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It is a weedeater - Not a weapon

Careful how you handle that weedeater Reader When I lived on the Hibiscus coast, the lawn guys were careful with their weedeaters. Some of this was learned behavior, and it was necessary. If your machine broke a downpipe, you were in trouble. All downpipes were connected to water tanks. If the pipe were cracked, the customer would start running out of water. You needed to fix it quickly, smart. However, when I arrived in Hamilton, I was shocked. Every other house I looked at had a broken...

I received a question the other day that took me back to my early days: "As a complete beginner in the lawn mowing business, I haven't had the chance to work on many lawns yet. I'm wondering how I can practice and improve my skills before taking on more clients. Is there a particular method or resource you recommend? Also, are there any ways I can get feedback on my work? I appreciate your help and guidance!" I remember being like that, eager to grow but unsure where to start. Here's the...

It's funny how we take some things for granted, like the sun rising, grass growing, and our laptops working when needed. But not always (just the laptop bit). And it always happens when you're in a hurry. Sometimes the solution is right in front of you (more on that later). My day was going well until my computer froze. Panic set in (it's strange how emotional I get). I went through my recovery steps. No issues with the mouse batteries. My go-to fix, Alt-Ctrl-Delete, did nothing. Time for...

I read an article today, and I couldn't believe it. A guy who works as a waiter in a restaurant has gone viral on Tick Tock for all the wrong reasons. He actually stated that "said that his “favorite part” of his job is “punishing people for poor behavior at the restaurant.” He went on to say that when customers decide to sit in his section without waiting to be seated, he will let them sit at the table for around 20 minutes until they eventually flag him down to alert him that nobody helped...

Hi Reader Ever had one of those days? It all started when I jumped in the van on Wendsday morning, turned the key, and the battery was dead. The real kicker was why the battery was dead. It was dead because I had a flat tire on Tuesday night. Now, you are probably wondering how a flat tire can give you a flat battery. Well, it is because I am over-prepared. I like to carry all sorts of emergency tools in my van. You never know when you (or someone else) might need them. My main stables are, A...

Hi Reader Ever feel like your quoting is a bit of hit-and-miss sometimes? Nothing is worse than having someone jump on your quote when you mention it. You can't help but wonder if the price was a bit low. Or how about that plum job you missed because you might have gone in a bit high? A solid quoting process can save you both time and money. Time Efficiency: You walk in with 90% of the essential information in your diary. Now you can focus on the quote and get it right Cost Control: You have...

Hi Reader I'm sorry for the lack of emails over the last few weeks. I've been working on a new project that helps small businesses find the best software. If you are interested in different software that helps you run your business, I will have a new section at the end of my emails that you will enjoy. Meanwhile, back to saving time and money on fuel. With fuel prices climbing, it's crucial for us to think about ways to improve efficiency and save costs. Effective route planning isn't just...

Hi Reader Firstly, my apologies for missing a week. It's the first time in a couple of years, so I guess that's not too bad. These emails take a while to write, and last weekend was hectic. Today, I'm going to look at everyone's favorite subject. How to get more customers? One way that lawn businesses have been using for years is by putting out flyers. The million-dollar question is… But do they really work? Let's find out... When I started a lawn mowing business in 1987, delivering flyers...

Hi It's been another busy week. Working in the rain the last few days hasn't been much fun. Still, it will do the grass good. The lawns are recovering quite well from the dry spell. Someone in the group asked a good question this week. "Hi guys, with the warmer days ending, how's everyone's balance books looking? Has there been a noticeable difference in the state of the economy? Yes, things will slow down soon, and you will soon get customers asking for longer cut cycles. This will leave...

Hi Reader We just picked up our third van last week. We are trying to keep the business small, but with three of us working part-time and closing on 200 lawns, coordinating was starting to get tricky. There were times when all three of us needed to be on the road simultaneously. We have been as high as five vehicles before, but we were employing staff and didn't want to go down that road again. This time around, it's strictly family. Me arriving home with my new van We like to operate out of...