Is This the Worst Waiter Ever? The Story That's Dividing the Internet

I read an article today, and I couldn't believe it.

A guy who works as a waiter in a restaurant has gone viral on Tick Tock for all the wrong reasons.

He actually stated that "said that his “favorite part” of his job is “punishing people for poor behavior at the restaurant.”

He went on to say that when customers decide to sit in his section without waiting to be seated, he will let them sit at the table for around 20 minutes until they eventually flag him down to alert him that nobody helped them.

He says, ‘Nobody’s helped you? There’s dirty plates, what are you talking about? You guys already ate,’” “They go, ‘These aren’t ours.

Then he says, "‘Did you guys come in and seat yourselves and not talk to anybody?’” After the customers confirm that they grabbed the first table they saw without people sitting at it, He replies: “That’s not how restaurants work. Get up. We have to go talk to the hostess. There’s a 30-minute wait.”

Some customers may not realise that they need to wait to be seated. It can be an honest mistake, but the bad taste of this waiter's treatment will live on forever.

Although he received a lot of praise for standing up to so-called badly behaved customers, I personally think that he is in the wrong job. Once those 1-star reviews start flooding in, his boss will probably come to the same conclusion.

It is sad that he feels this way about his customers. What is even sadder is the amount of support he has on the Tic Tok platform.

But don't worry—it's not all doom and gloom. With all this bad customer service around, it's easier for our businesses to shine by treating our customers well.

By providing good service, we built one of the largest non-franchised lawn mowing businesses in NZ's fourth-largest city. Good old-fashioned service will always be one of the best ways to grow your business. It costs nothing, and the rewards can be huge.

You can learn more about how we grew our business in the lawnmowing101 membership. Sometimes, people overlook the simple stuff, so don't be that guy.

Anyway, until next time.

Get out there, mow lawns, and have fun.


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